Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100: 2-4

Worship is part of our walk of faith, not just a portion of a Sunday morning service. We worship when we serve, when we obey God, when we love others, when we pray. There are a great many ways to express our immense gratitude for our God who loves us.
Join us for worship nights, prayer mornings and special events happening here at FCC and citywide!
Join us for worship nights, prayer mornings and special events happening here at FCC and citywide!
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Join our Prayer Team on Wednesday mornings at 7am for a time of prayer. Prayer topics vary but we are always praying for God to be known in our hearts, for our city, our church and those who are in need.
The main auditorium at FCCPHX.
6750 N. 7th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85013
6750 N. 7th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85013
Worship Nights at FCCPHX
Quarterly, we gather as an FCC Family for a worship night. We will sing, pray and have interactive elements to help us connect with God.
Check out the calendar below for the next worship night.
Check out the calendar below for the next worship night.
The main auditorium at FCCPHX.
6750 N. 7th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85013
6750 N. 7th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85013