Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
FCC has a strong focus on Missions. Locally and abroad.
Take a look at our upcoming trips and mission partners.
Take a look at our upcoming trips and mission partners.

Join a missions trip
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips
Nairobi, Kenya
July 7th - 17th
Join us as we serve alongside our missions partners, Missions of Hope International.
This year we will be working in a boys school in a village close to Nairobi.
July 7th - 17th
Join us as we serve alongside our missions partners, Missions of Hope International.
This year we will be working in a boys school in a village close to Nairobi.
St. Ignatius, Montana
June 29th - July 6th
Join us for a true adventure in the West! We are headed to Montana to PineHaven Christian Ranch. We will be helping with ranch projects, cooking, cleaning and getting prepped for a new school year. We also get to have some fun with horseback riding, great food, great views and great community!
June 29th - July 6th
Join us for a true adventure in the West! We are headed to Montana to PineHaven Christian Ranch. We will be helping with ranch projects, cooking, cleaning and getting prepped for a new school year. We also get to have some fun with horseback riding, great food, great views and great community!