Hope & Healing

After Abortion Care at FCCPHX
Have you – or someone you know – been affected by abortion? If you have terminated a pregnancy through abortion, you may be suffering from some of the many damaging emotional effects associated with abortion. Our abortion recovery program is sure to change your life.
Abortion is the dark secret no one wants to talk about. The secret that causes shame, depression, guilt, and other emotions associated with post-abortion distress syndrome.
So many women have suffered from negative emotional effects. Let us help! If you or anyone you know has been affected by abortion, please contact us. 
We offer a nondenominational post-abortion Bible study in a group setting that changes lives. During this study you will discover hope, peace, encouragement, and deep healing that is everlasting.
As part of First Christian Church, we are committed to helping you heal from your post-abortion trauma. We understand the painful decisions you were faced with at the time you discovered that you were pregnant. Factors that led to your decision to abort may have included:
  • Pressure from your partner or family
  • Financial issues
  • Rape, incest, or terminal medical diagnosis
  • Poor timing
  • Belief that it isn’t a baby yet
  • Belief that its legality will make you feel OK about the abortion
We also understand the consequent emotional issues that can come about as a result of that decision.
Emotional Issues include: Depression, Guilt, Anxiety, Nightmares, Isolation, Inability to bond, Shame, Anger, Grief, and even Suicide. If abortion has caused you emotional suffering, we offer a choice to heal! 
Post Abortion Symptoms Questionnaire
Are you experiencing trauma or stress from a past abortion? Trauma from abortion is real and you are not alone. If you are not sure, answer these questions below and start your journey to healing.
Post Abortion Symptoms Questionnaire:
Do you lack the freedom to share your abortion experience with others?
Do you avoid the subject of abortion because you feel like people will see it written across your forehead?
Do you expect bad things to happen to you as punishment for your abortion?
Are you afraid to meet your child in heaven?
Do you engage in self-punishing attitudes and behaviors?
Do you feel like the good promises of God are for other people and not you?
Do you work hard to prove you are a good mother/father?
Do you avoid people or situations that remind you of your abortion?
Do you feel like your relationships (or friendships) with men are unhealthy?
As a woman, do you feel like your friendships with other women lack depth and authenticity?
Do you feel like you are all alone with the emotional pain you are feeling?
Abortion can rob you of many things. If you answered yes to any of the questions above you are living in unnecessary bondage. If you are interested in receiving help with these issues and living in freedom from your past abortion with a hope for your future we would love to assist you on your journey. 
You can email us at kathleen@fccphx.com or give us a call at 480-504-6225.

Sign up for support today.

We have support groups happening all throughout the year to help you walk through the pain and grief that can accompany abortion. If this is you, please sign up for support today.