Digital bulletin

At FCC, we believe in helping people discover Jesus and grow as his followers by connecting with God, growing together and serving others.
Check out this weeks digital bulletin.

Service info:

Service Time: 10:30am Sunday, Auditorium
Infants thru 5th Grade: 10:30am Sunday, Main Building (follow signs)
Middle School (6th-8th grade): 10:30am Sunday, The Venue
High School: 10:30am Sunday, The Venue
Young Adults: 1st/3rd Wednesdays, 6:30pm, The Venue.
Prayer Room Available: 24/7: Call the church office for the east entrance code. If you need prayer, email
The Sermon on the Mount
The Law Fulfilled
First Christian Church—Sunday, April 21, 2024
Chuck Foreman, Teaching/Missions Pastor
It’s a matter of the heart…
Right doing without right being is only for show.
It is ingenuine and will not last.
In his most famous sermon, The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus tells the truth about the Kingdom of God. He challenges the popular narrative of his day about almost every area of life and tells us what is right and what is true. Today, Jesus tells us about the importance of the Law, that he came to fulfill it, and the “righteousness” God is not looking for in us.  
GOD’s Story— The Law Fulfilled, Matthew 5:17-20

1. Jesus did not come to abolish but to fulfill the Law & the Prophets (17)
• Why would anyone think he had come to abolish the Law or the Prophets? (Matthew 7:28-29)
 o What is the purpose of the Law? Galatians 3:19, 23-25; 4:4-5
 o How did Jesus fulfill the Law? Romans 3:20-22; 8:1-4
2. The Law is here to stay until all is accomplished (18)  
• The Law provides the foundation for a moral, just, safe civilization...
 3. Your place in the God’s Kingdom—Do you dismiss or practice God’s Law? (19)
 4. Are you more righteous than the Pharisees & Teachers of the Law? (20)

• Jesus’ problem w/ the Pharisees & Teachers of the Law:
Matthew 23:23-24, 27-28
• Story of what happens when God’s Law is not written on your heart:
Mark 10:17-22
• Jesus’ simple summary of what God is looking for in us:
Matthew 7:12
What did you discover in this story?_______________________________________
BIG Idea:           Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirement of the Law for us.
                                  God has written his Law on our hearts. Is it in you?

Right On!                                                                   Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34    

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